Frog Stands and Pistols

Today’s WOD Frog Stands and Pistols SWOD A1. 5 x 3 KB Overhead Squats A2. Frog Stand x 30 secs x 3 Frog Stands and Pistols in Today's WOD. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Frog Stands and Pistols in Today's WOD. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Frog Stands and Pistols in Today's WOD. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Frog Stands and Pistols in Today's WOD. Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave WOD 10-1 DB Snatch (45/25) Pistols DB Snatch - Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave]]>

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