What's really important? CrossFit in Galveston

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What's really important? CrossFit in Galveston

What’s really important? CrossFit in GalvestonWhat's really important? By: Coach Taylor Wilson

It’s up to you.

Say a kind word to your child OR visit them on death row
Skip the chocolate milk shake OR have your leg amputated because of diabetes
Study for your upcoming test OR end up homeless
Be kind to a stranger OR die friendless and alone
Smoke a cigarette OR meet you grandchildren

These choices may seem a little far fetched but are they really??
Recently while I was installing our new fan I had plenty of time to think.  The kind of thoughts you only think after you’ve been working in the heat for 14 hours generally go something like “Why am I doing this?”.   That, of course, led to an epiphany of sorts. We all have a vision of how our lives should be.  Every minute, of every day, you are making a choice that will in some way effect your ability to achieve that ideal.  The quality of your life may not hinge on each of those decisions alone but THE QUALITY OF YOUR CHARACTER, YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR LIFE ARE DECIDED BY THE SUM OF YOUR ACTIONS. If every little decision you make is a grain of sand you have a choice to either bury yourself over time or to build a nice hill to sit upon and enjoy the view. Of course saying one kind word to your child isn’t going to alter who they are but being kind to them everyday could have a huge effect over time.  Fitness, health and athletic performance are no different than any other aspect of life.  Changes are made and goals are met by the sum of many actions.  There is no instant gratification with the things that really matter. When you think about skipping going to the gym or eating a big piece of cake you need to think about what’s really important.  Is long term health, wellness and physical ability a priority?  Or better yet, what about being able to play ball with your grand kids one day?  Are the little things you do everyday bringing you closer to your goals or pulling you away from them?  Never forget the little things or the small steps.  They  all matter.]]>

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