Weighted Pull Ups and Heavy Thrusters

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Weighted Pull Ups and Heavy Thrusters

elliot pullups Strength WOD A1. 3 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups A2. 3 x 5 Kneeling Bench Mobilizations The strict pull up, particularly when performed with extra weight — shall it be kettlebells, dumbbells, or a vest — builds far more muscle for functional strength because of increased difficulty and increased motor unit activation. Galveston CrossFit Kneeling Bench Mobilizations as an integral part of lift preparation if you lack the mobility to get into the rack position for the cacophony of Olympic lifting variations that are used at CrossFit Tidal Wave. Kneeling Bench Mobs Workout of the Day (WOD) 5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters (135/95) Pull Ups 200m Run (1 at the end of each round) 12min AMRAP The purpose of this workout is to teach one how to maintain proper structure while in a metabolic environment. These should be HEAVY Thrusters for you. Coach’s Notes: Focus on perfect reps, these are heavy, you can not afford slop. Rhythmic breathing is going to save you on this one Keep the tripod foot throughout the Thruster Maintain your running form on the 200m.   Thrusters at Galvestons Crossfit Tidal Wave km]]>

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