Snatch Grip Deadlift and Swings

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Snatch Grip Deadlift and Swings

Snatch Grip Deadlift and Swings

Strength Workout (SWOD) A1. 4 x 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift A2. 3 x 10 External Band Rotations

snatch grip deadlift

Even though you’re not lifting as much weight when you use the snatch grip, it’s more of a leg exercise because of the starting position depth. Your hamstrings and glutes gets stretched considerably more, and this is what packs on the size. Having a form breakdown during the snatch grip deadlift is easy.  Since the wider grip stresses the upper back, it needs to stay rigid to keep the system intact. But the upper back is a mixture of many smaller muscles, and it’s not nearly as strong as we’d like it to be. When it fails, the shoulders round over and the lower back soon follows. Because of this, I prefer “mastering” an easy weight to ease the upper back into the lift. This means volume is added before weight. If you deadlift anything above 350 pounds, a good starting point is 225 pounds for five repetitions. Yes, this will feel “easy,” but it’s necessary to prepare for higher intensities down the line.

Workout of the Day (WOD) 2min Running Clock 20 Double Unders 10 Knees to Elbows Max Rep KB Swings (53/35) in remaining time 1min Rest 4 Rounds liz swing alternating swing jen kb swing crossfit galveston tidal wave


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