Competitor WOD Week 3 June

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Competitor WOD Week 3 June

Warm up Circuit
Double unders x 20 UB x 3
butterfly pull up x 8-10 x 3
strict HSPU x 5-8 x 3
L-sit holds on still bars
 then Mobility
A. Snatch @ 85-87% of 1 RM; 4 x 2, rest 3 minutes
B.  HB back squat, rest 3 minutes
C.  SA DB bent over row, 3 x 5/side, rest 45 sec. bt. arms
8 minute amrap of
5/3 unbroken muscle ups
*after each set do 3 hang squat cleans @ 205/135
(can scale down muscle ups to 3 if you need to, or 3 strict CtB pull ups/ 3 strict ring dips)
*after each set do 3 hang squat cleans @ 205/135
(can scale down muscle ups to 3 if you need to, or 3 strict CtB pull ups/ 3 strict ring dips Day 2 Competition Prep for Share your StrengthDay 3
warm up:
2-3 rounds of Max
A.1  strict close grip hSpU
A.2  TGU x 2/side
A.3  butterfly pull ups
A.4  L-sit hold to handstand on p-barsSWOD A. Clean from blocks @ knee, spd. under and catch ass to grass,, rest 3 minutes @ 75-85% of 1 Rm B. Box squat @ 60% of 1 RM back squat; 3 reps on the 60 sec. x 10 *speed reps C. Butterfly pull ups,, rest as needed – * get unbroken D. 100 GHD sit ups *if you can’t get 30 unbroken pull ups then bring the number down to one that isn’t overreaching and you can get unbroken for 5 sets.  That number may be 25 or 20 or 15 etc.   Day 4
Warm up Circuit
Double unders x 20 UB x 3
butterfly pull up x 8-10 x 3
Monster Walks
L-sit holds on still bars
 then Mobility
A. Three sets, not for time, of: Bar Muscle-Ups x 3-6 reps Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 10-12 reps (add deficit if these are easy for you) B. Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy Split Jerk C. Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes: 10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lb) 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups If you are unable to complete the full round within the minute, complete the round and skip the round you spill into, then pick up on the next full minute. D. Three sets for max reps: Stationary Dips x Max Reps (pause at full elbow extension every rep) Rest 3 minutes

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