Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Competitor WOD Week 4

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Galveston's CrossFit Tidal Wave Competitor WOD Week 4

Competitor WOD April Week 4 Coach Taylor doing a competitor wod


Buy In: double unders x 50 kipping ring dips x 20 Kipping T2B x 20 handstand walking x best of 2 mins Strength A.  Power Snatch – EMOTM do 3 TnG reps @ 65% of 1 RM  x 12. B. CG Bench press, 3 x 5, rest 90 seconds MetCon UB DL @ 315 HSPU then 40 burpees 500m row   Day 2 Buy In: strict CTB chin up x 15 handstand walk x Best Effort in 2mins triple unders x max in 2 mins Strength A.  Squat clean + split jerk @ 85% of 1 RM – 1 rep every 90 seconds for 12 reps B.1  Front Squat, 3.2.1, rest 1 minute B.2  CTB butterfly pull ups, 3 x 20 unbroken, rest 1 minute Metcon 8 minute amrap 2 squat cleans @ 225/155 4 muscle ups then 3 minute amrap double unders Day 3 Skills 4 minute amrap handstand walk for distance -rest 30 sec.- 4 minute  Row for calories -rest 30 sec.- 3 minute amrap cumulative L-sit hold -rest 30 sec.- 2 minute amrap rope climb -rest 30 sec. 1 minute amrap triple unders (rest 10 minutes) Metcon 100 kb swings @ 53/35 100 pull ups 100 double unders 100  OHS  95/65 Day 4 A.  Split Clean Cluster,×3, rest 10 sec in between reps rest 2 minutes. B.  Jerk cluster,×3, rest 15 sec., rest 2 minutes. CF Open workout 13.5 Practice: 15 Thrusters (115/75) 15 CtB pull ups -rest 1 minute x3 rounds]]>

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