Competition Team: Galveston

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Competition Team: Galveston

Warm Up with Gymnastics WOD

Day 1 A. Snatch, Blocks- Above Knee 3 @65.0% 3 @70.0% 2 @75.0% 3@ 80.0% 2 @75.0% [email protected]% B. Back Squat 6 @ 60.0% 6@ 68.0% 5 @75.0% 5@ 75.0% 4 @80.0% 3 @90.0% C. Clean Pull 4 @75.0% 4 @80.0% 4 @85.0% 4 @85.0% C2. 3 x 25 Red Band Pull Aparts dustin clean

Lactic 12-9-6-3 squat snatch @ 135/85 muscle up aaron muscle Aerobic 2 x 2000m w/ rate increases* / 2min rest Sara Peeples rowing at CrossFit Tidal Wave *In each piece, row the first 1000 meters @ 26 spm. Then 500 meters @ 28 spm, 250 meters @ 30 spm and 250 meters @ 32 spm. Day 2 A. Power Clean + Power Jerk: 3 @60.0% 3@ 65.0% 3@ 65.0% 2@ 70.0% 2 @75.0% 2@ 80.0% B. Snatch Balance: 5@ 35.0% 5@ 40.0% 5@ 45.0% 5@ 50.0%(Snatch 1RM) C. Muscle Up Skill Practice (Progressions: Pr’s) 5mins D. 3 x 5 Wrist Rollers (both directions) Lactic 4 rounds – increase intensity each round; 80/85/90/100% effort 500m row 20 T2B 20 burpees 20 Slam Balls 50/25 20 kb swings @ 53/35# rest 2 minutes bt. rounds Aerobic 4 x 800’s 1 to 1 work to Rest (run) Day3 A. Snatch Grip Deadlift 4@ 85.0% 4@ 90.0% 4 @95.0% 4@ 100.0% B. 2 Weighted Pull-ups 3 x 3 rest 2:00 C. 3 x 10 Bent Over Barbell Row (AHAP) C2. 3 x 20 Red Band Pull Aparts Lactic 30 CTB pull ups 400m run 30 thrusters @ 135/95# Aerobic (Airdyne) 90 on/1:00 off, :90 on/:45 off, :90 on/:30 off, :90 on/:15 off, :90 on/:30 off, :90 on/:45 off, :90 on Kara Mullins Airdyne at CrossFit Tidal Wave Day 4 A. 3 Second Pause Front Squat 5 x 3 (80% 1rm) B. Close Grip Bench 8 x 3 (60% 1rm) EXPLODE ! C. 3 x 10 Dumbell Bench Flies C2. 3 x 5-8 GHR MetCon 30 partner hop-over burpees 100 Lunges Total P1 runs 400m – P2 30 push Ups 100 Box jumps (24″)(20″) Total P1- 30 push ups – p2 runs 400m 100 goblet squats (70/53) 30 partner hop-over burpees

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