What to Look for in a CrossFit Gym

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What to Look for in a CrossFit Gym

CrossFit Tips when considering joining a new box.   A.Avoid gyms that do long metcons every day. Don’t be a cortisol junkie. If the coach doesn’t understand why hammering you into the ground EVERYDAY isn’t a good thing…..go elsewhere.   What To Look For in a Crossfit Gym by Strength Coach Shaun McCrary B. Avoid gyms that overemphasize competitiveness and highlight top athletes over everyone else.  There is nothing wrong with competition but just remember CrossFit is NOT the games. What To Look For in a Crossfit Gym by Strength Coach Shaun McCrary C. Ask about the methodology behind their programming. Who creates it? Why do they follow that particular program style? Read over their programming. You would be surprised how many won’t be able to answer those questions. What To Look For in a Crossfit Gym by Strength Coach Shaun McCrary D. Look for a coach and gym that is a good match for your personality and style. Not every athlete needs to be pushed verbally. Not every athlete needs or wants to be cheered. Not every athlete will benefit from being pushed every day. Just because it makes the coach feel good or adequate, it doesn’t mean that it’s what’s best for the athlete. E.  Women…this goes out to you….again.  You will not get bulky. Just…you won’t. Cut it out. Stop using this as an excuse to not get in great shape. You have to lift like a bodybuilder (and juice like one too), to get bulky and that ain’t Crossfit. While I obviously dont fear bulking I have been training female athletes and stay at home moms long enough to know that stigma is still very much alive . What To Look For in a Crossfit Gym by Strength Coach Shaun McCrary F. Make sure it is an ACTUAL CrossFit affiliated location.  You would be surprised who is trying to capitalize on the name to make some money.  Research online, read some reviews, etc. Hint: If they don’t have the CrossFit Journal link on their page……they are not an affiliate. What To Look For in a Crossfit Gym by Strength Coach Shaun McCrary G. Make sure they have ACTUALLY coached people before.  I know everyone has to start somewhere, but that is what they have internships for. CrossFit is dangerous in the wrong hands…..check for experience. H. Make sure it has an atmosphere you feel comfortable in. Every gym is different with a different energy. Might be a High performing gym that just doesn’t vibe with you.   Thank you for joining me here in the coaches corner.]]>

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