Competition Team Programming

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Competition Team Programming

box jump snatch

Skill WOD EMOMx8: Odd: 2 Strict HSPU/ Deficit HSPU Even: 4-6 Kipping HSPU Don’t do more reps – try to improve efficiency and less missed reps HSPU CrossFit Day 2 A. Split Jerk – 70% 5 x 2 EMOTM B. Push Press – 65% 3 x 5 C. RDL 4 x 5 @ 70% of Clean split
Skill 8 rounds of :20 on, :10 off of Hollow holds and Push-up Plank on Rings. This is a 8-minute set. Hold the hollow hold for :20, rest for :10, then hold the top of a push up for :20, and rest for :10. This is one round. Complete 8 rounds total. Day 3 A. Clean – 70% 5 x 1 @ 70% B. Clean Pull – 80% 3×3 C. Clean Segment Deadlift (knee) + Floating Clean Deadlift – 70% x (2+1) x 3 D. Pause Back Squat – 50% 4 x 5 ( 2 sec Pause below parallel)
Skill WOD 5-4-3-2-1 Legless Rope Climb *10 Burpees in between each set Galveston CrossFit Rope Climb Day 4 A. Bench Press 4 x 5 @ 80% B. Close Grip Bench 3 x 12 @ 50% C1. Strict Ring Pull Ups 3 x 8-10 reps C2. Kipping Ring Dips 3 x Max Rep in 30 secs
Skill WOD 5 mins of Butterfly Chest to bar Practice Now these are designed with being two a days in mind. The Competition programming will be done in the evening while the WOD will be done in the morning.

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